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(西北师范大学 体育学院)
关键词:  “互联网+”  体育特色小镇  大数据  体育产业  社会资本
基金项目:国家社科基金项目(15BTY087);甘肃省哲学社会科学规划项目(YB023); 甘肃省高校科研项目(2016B-003);华东师范大学科研创新实践项目(ykc17051)
Research on the Development of Sport-featured Towns in the View of “Internet+”
ZHANG Ze-jun
(School of Physical Education, Northwest Normal University)
By literature and logical analysis methods, based on the concept and classification of sport-featured towns, the current situation of development is analyzed, and it is concluded that there are problems such as singly laid out industries, poor linkage between upstream and downstream industries, and incomplete industrial chains. It is necessary to start from the aspects of resource integration, scientific layout, and reasonable planning. The “Internet+” which represents a new economic form can provide solutions. It is pointed out that the Internet has played a positive role in the development of sport-featured towns in enhancing publicity, broadening the channels for investment promotion, and improving the operation and management level. In the development of sport-featured towns, the Internet technology should be fully used for scientific layout and precise positioning, creating independent publicity platforms, strengthening resource integration, and paying attention to data security. This study is designed for providing references for the development of China’s sport-featured towns.
Key words:  “Internet+”  sport-featured town  big data  sport industry  social capital

