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(解放军理工大学 军人体能训练与机能评定实验室)
关键词:  力量和耐力组合训练  干扰现象  mTORC1信号通路
Adaptation Mechanisms of Biological Molecules by a Combination of Strength and Endurance Training and Its Applications
MA Jizheng
(Lab of Military Training and Physical Functions Evaluation, the PLA University of Science and Technology)
The influences of strength training and endurance training on human phenotype are hugely different. Longterm strength training can promote muscle activation and mast, increase the largest muscle contractility; endurance training can increase the density of mitochondria and the oxidative capacity of muscle fibers, thereby improve the overall maximum oxygen uptake. But while improving peripheral muscle hypertrophy and muscle power during aerobic oxidation (a combination of strength and endurance training), the process may inhibit muscle hypertrophy. Animal experiments shows that these potentially interfering mechanism is mainly concerned with the signaling pathway of strength training related to mTORC1 and endurance training related to 5’AMPK which 5’AMP depends on, and Ca2+/CaMKⅡ signaling pathway. Due to a large amount of variables by a combination of strength and endurance training, currently whether human body experiments have interference between signaling pathways has not been confirmed, but from the combination of training practice, highlevel athletes after training are more likely to avoid the simultaneous development of the latter part of the outer periphery of the local muscle hypertrophy and aerobic oxidation
Key words:  a combination of strength and endurance training  interference  mTORC1 signaling pathway

